Services Available

Training & Educational Services:

Our commitment is to prepare today and tomorrow's police, law enforcement and security personnel and leaders, with the knowledge and skills required for success in the 21st Century. The many challenges law enforcement officers face today continue to increase exponentially. Increases in expectations from the public, more advanced technologies, a rise in violent crime rates, and the growth of homeland security requirements, necessitate law enforcement personnel, more than ever, be better prepared in handling a wide range of very complex situations and responsibilities. ALETC's primary goal is to provide every participant with the latest, state of the art training, presented by the best instructors available in their fields today. If your organization desires customized training or would like to develop its own training program, indigenous to your organization’s needs, please feel free to contact us for assistance. Please see our full list of courses offered here.


Our faculty and staff provide clients with the best business practices associated with a wide variety of law enforcement and security issues. The range of services provided includes comprehensive strategic plans with commensurate accountability and assessment pieces, policy and program evaluation, agency specific comprehensive leadership and organizational management training programs. We can also provide facilitation for executive retreats, effective interpersonal communication seminars and even fully customized DisC personality profiling services.

Expert Testimony:

We also provide expert analysis and testimony regarding the actions of law enforcement personnel and their organizations. The complexities present in police, law enforcement and security operations today, have caused many citizens, community leaders and police personnel alike, to recognize the need for more thorough accountability and preventative action regarding both unethical or illegal behavior on the part of law enforcement and security personnel. The analysis and work provided by ALETC can provide the information needed to develop or adjust policy, meet accreditation standards and standardize operating procedures and training within various types of public safety organizations in the United States today.